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Self-Leadership and Personal Growth course or/and individual mentoring

This course offers a transformative approach to well-being and personal growth, combining methodologies from diverse disciplines to help you effectively balance life, hobbies, personal development, studies (if you have them),  and work while building meaningful social connections. You’ll learn to work smarter, not harder, by mastering skills like goal-setting, time management, maintaining focus, staying motivated, prioritizing tasks, and inspiring those around you.

The course delves into the concept of self-leadership—empowering you to reclaim control over your life and step out from the endless to-do lists. It encourages intentional living, helping you identify areas within your control, make empowered decisions, develop emotional intelligence, and rediscover joy and satisfaction in everyday moments.

Designed for anyone aiming to boost self-efficacy, unlock their full potential, and achieve strategic life and career goals, this course is especially suited for those who feel their efforts aren’t translating into the desired progress. By taking this course, you’ll elevate your self-organization skills to a new level.

This course helps students of all ages and specialities, scientists, corporate training participants, and young entrepreneurs better understand themselves, learn to set and achieve goals, manage emotions, attention, and motivation, master time management tools, and much more. Essentially, this is a proven methodology for improving quality of life, experienced by many participants, and drawn from various disciplines (logotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, Stoicism, acceptance and commitment therapy, coaching, various approaches to management and leadership, Self-Determination Theory (SDT), emotional intelligence, and more).

As the course author, I deliver it in either Russian or English, tailoring the material in advance to meet the client’s needs. Pricing is negotiable depending on the scope of work and the client’s preferences.

Main topics of the course:

  • Self-awareness and connection to self;
  • Self-regulation;
  • Long-term orientation and visioning;
  • Presence: practising living in the moment;
  • Time-management;
  • Attention and focus;
  • Motivation;
  • Prioritization and decision making;
  • Leadership;

The course is built following the Inner Development Goals framework (https://www.innerdevelopmentgoals.org/framework ), the Emotional Intelligence framework by Daniel Goleman, The Self-Determination Theory, the psychological capital theory, and the theory about components of Eudaimonic Well-Being.

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